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Meet Chad Davidson

I was raised by two business owners. Each day I would go to the “after school program” and learned work ethic and marketing. My Dad owned a wholesale textiles distribution company and my mom owned a retail interior design shop. Back then I hated going there everyday but now I cherish the early lessons learned. I didn’t realize the experience would prove to be useful down the road.

When I was 8 years old, I wanted to take golf lessons. My mom and dad had a way of making you earn everything (we didn’t get paid to do chores or yard work and if we wanted money we had to “clock in” like everyone else). My dad approached me with an idea. We had a large cherry tree in our backyard and it was filled with tons of cherries. His idea was to pick cherries, put them in 1lb bags and sell them on the side of the street. So we did it. Each Saturday I would pick about 100lbs of cherries, bag them up and take them out on the streets. This wasn’t your neighborhood lemonade stand, we went to the 3-way stop in the center of town that everyone passed by on the way to the water park!

I yelled at every car that passed by, “CHERRIES A DOLLAR, GET YOUR CHERRIES!” Looking back this taught me to fight for what I wanted and have no fear in talking to someone else (a lesson I now use each day). By the end of the summer the word had gotten out – my last Saturday I sold over 120lbs of cherries in less than an hour!

Since my early days of selling fruit (without a produce license) my experience has taken me to exciting places. After finishing my MBA program I worked in both venture capital and public accounting. During those years I learned the fundamentals of a sound business, financial planning, and presentation skills. I soon realized that my increased skills would allow me to go out on my own.

Since 2009, I have served thousands of businesses across many different industries. Several years ago, after working with a cemetery where several of my family members are buried, I made the concerted effort to specialize in the death care industry.  Just like the words of Robert Frost, "I took the [road] less traveled and [it] has made all the difference."

Thank you so much for stopping by!



Tax Planning

Our last client saved $35,274 in taxes!

Most CPA's just prepare the tax return.  We prepare a customized strategy for each of our clients.  We search through over 105 different strategies that work in the death care industry and find those that will provide the lowest tax liability.  Once we find the best solution - we meet with our clients quarterly to discuss changes that have happened throughout the year.

Financial Dashboard for Every Area of Your Business

We provide you with a comprehensive dashboard featuring both financial and non-financial metrics. You'll have clear targets to strive for and a deeper understanding of your industry's current landscape.

On time | Every time

Monthly Financial Statements

Gain valuable insights into your financial performance with regular, timely updates. Our reports are as dependable as clockwork

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